This is my dorayaki x luxurians hybrid from the very first batch. This specimen does not represent the rest of the plants from the same batch as it looked little different from
This is my dorayaki x luxurians hybrid from the very first batch. This specimen does not represent the rest of the plants from the same batch as it looked little different from
This is my dorayaki x luxurians hybrid from the very first batch. This specimen does not represent the rest of the plants from the same batch as it looked little different from,DORAYAKI X LUXURIANS ECUADOR SHIPPING FROM INDONESIA 🇮🇩 PHYTOSANITRY CERTIFICATE 📋 CONTACT : 085219773401 #anthuriumdorayaki #anthuriumdorayakixluxurians #anthurium #anthuriumkingofspades #anthuriumnseredcrystallinum