Holster Review: T.Rex Arms Ragnarok (Glock 17 – SureFire X300 Ultra) – ATRG,T.REX ARMS - Light Compatible Ragnarok holster + Mid Ride UBL + QLS Fork/Plate + Thigh Strap - #trexarms #trexarmskydex #highstandards #ragnarok #holster #tourniquet #medical | Facebook,T.REX ARMS - Painted up Light Compatible Ragnarok holster on a Mid Ride UBL + QLS System. Ragnaroks are in-stock items and ship in 1-3 days with regular restocks. - #trexarms #trexarmskydex #,T.REX ARMS - Wolf Grey Light Compatible Ragnarok holster. This particular color of kydex we had custom made to match the Wolf Grey nylon products that we make and carry. Even though,Ragnarok Mounting Options – Help – T.REX ARMS