明治書院 新後拾遺和歌集(和歌文学大系11)|本,Amazon.co.jp: 後拾遺和歌集 : 久保田 淳, 平田 喜信: 本,Courtiers Visit Sugawara no Michizane's Mortuary Temple, from Illustrated Legends of the Kitano Tenjin Shrine | Japan | Kamakura period (1185–1333) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,中院切(後拾遺和歌集) 文化遺産オンライン,Courtiers Visit Sugawara no Michizane's Mortuary Temple, from Illustrated Legends of the Kitano Tenjin Shrine | Japan | Kamakura period (1185–1333) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art