Plasmon-modulated photoluminescence from gold nanostructures and its dependence on plasmon resonance, excitation energy, and band structure
Plasmon-modulated photoluminescence from gold nanostructures and its dependence on plasmon resonance, excitation energy, and band structure,Selective separation of structurally similar alkaloids by graphene oxide membranes - ScienceDirect,Validation of the CoGEF Method as a Predictive Tool for Polymer Mechanochemistry | Journal of the American Chemical Society,Fe-based dual-atom catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction - Journal of Materials Chemistry A (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3TA05147A,Local Coordination and Reactivity of a Pt Single-Atom Catalyst as Probed by Spectroelectrochemical and Computational Approaches | CCS Chemistry