In-situ growth of Ag nanoparticles embedded in chitosan coating for potent antimicrobial activity - ScienceDirect
In-situ growth of Ag nanoparticles embedded in chitosan coating for potent antimicrobial activity - ScienceDirect,Ti3C2Tx MXene contained nanofluids with high thermal conductivity, super colloidal stability and low viscosity - ScienceDirect,Self-assembled Cu2−xS nanochains network with tunable diameters for efficient photothermal conversion - ScienceDirect,Flower structure and floral reward in Scopolia carniolica (Solanaceae) – is it a plant that can support the bumblebee food base in early spring? | Arthropod-Plant Interactions,Enhanced self-cementation of arsenic-contaminated soil via activation of non-thermal plasma-irradiated ferromanganese: A mechanistic investigation - ScienceDirect