Xa7, a Small Orphan Gene Harboring Promoter Trap for AvrXa7, Leads to the Durable Resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae Pv. oryzae | Rice | Full Text
Xa7, a Small Orphan Gene Harboring Promoter Trap for AvrXa7, Leads to the Durable Resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae Pv. oryzae | Rice | Full Text,ジャネット Bell 206/406 JA6113 静岡ヘリポート 航空フォト | by けんけんさん 撮影2014年02月01日,Taxonomic Revision | SpringerLink,Multiple Alleles Encoding Atypical NLRs with Unique Central Tandem Repeats in Rice Confer Resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae - ScienceDirect,Superoscillation: from physics to optical applications | Light: Science & Applications